This article covers professional summer theater in Vermont. It should be noted that there are innumerable community theaters that do extraordinary work, from circus arts to plays to puppetry, that we cannot cover here. You are encouraged to check them out at...
White-haired and slightly stooped, but with a strong voice and clear eyes, Jules Olitski talked about his life and art to a rapt audience last Saturday at the Redfern Art Center at Keene State College. The Thorne-Sangendorph Gallery, several buildings away, is showing...
Looking at Tucker Nichols’ “Waiting Rm” a little bubble of delight starts to loosen from somewhere around the solar plexus from where it was stuck and mired for who-knows-how-long and rises up till it gurgles to the top of the head and breaks out on the unwary...
Ralph DeAnna, curator of the celebratory show in its final days at the Windham Art Gallery, considers himself a lucky man. In only a year after arriving in Brattleboro he had a place where he could exhibit his paintings. When he desired. Without worrying about whether...
Myles Danaher’s show, NEW WORK, at the Hooker-Dunham Gallery clearly owes a huge debt to Cezanne. Especially in the expansive new pastels, space and form are broken down into swathes of color. The whole surface is set to shimmering with light and air. Danaher has been...
Marcy Hermansader continues her exploration of collage. In her last show, at Fleisher/Ollman Gallery in Philadelphia, she drew images of men and women culled from newspaper clippings about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Her current work also takes as its starting...